4. Survey Design

Individual Project — Brief #1

Kathleen C.
5 min readFeb 19, 2021

Project Background

Survey research can benefit the company to get the objective feedback from a larger sample size. Through collecting the data from a list of standardized questions, this act can measure and combine the customer’s behaviors, attitudes, and opinions into a form of statistics, and the result may help the company to review its current situation, also bring out findings or making recommendation for further branding development.


The main objective of this assignment is to evaluate the existing Wooder Space users’ preferences, find out which factors and services are they value for. The collected data will be taken as a prelim statistic reference for considering the further expansion of next branch’s location and marketing promotion campaign.

The segmentation & personality of the company

Wooder Space is a small & medium size co-working space business in Hong Kong. Their first branch is located in Kwun Tong Kowloon side. It is different from other co-working space as Wooder Space is not focusing on the start-up business group but individual. They are providing the payable sharing space areas to their target audience. Their business model is like an upstairs cafe, they provide tables, seats and administrative supplementary services but without selling coffee. Or, like the public library but allowing their customers to have a little chat or discussion.

And their brand value is about sending the slow-living lifestyle message by providing a chilling , friendly workspace to everyone. “Sincerity” would be the brand personality. “Makers” in age 16–34 who seek to have a place to work productively, or take some leisure time in a specific place with friends are the brand’s target audience. They may be the group of full-time students, part-time employees or freelancer.

Survey Design

There are 6 questions of the survey and it may take around 2 minutes for the respondent to complete. It will be closed after 8 weeks duration or less once reach out the target number of 1000 respondents. An online survey form is created and will be ready on iPad. Once the users finished their entry registration, they would be invited by the receptionist to participate this survey. To encourage and to achieve the target amount of respondents, a gift card with a 15% off discount for the next visit (valid in 6 months) will be given to the respondent.

Gift Card example

Survey Questions

Result Analysis

From the above survey Q1-Q6 are generally under the behavioral psychological, demographic segmentation categories.

For Q1 & Q3 are under the behavioral segmentation, as to understand the users purchase pattern. Q1 is aimed to know which of the area are mostly being used or preferred, so that when launching for the new branch, Wooder Space could have a better idea for the layout planning. Q3 is a simple question could help Wooder Space directly to understand the users’ preferences of which location they prefer, and could help us to narrow down the scope for further expansion of under the same condition (such as the rental fee/ construction scale, etc.)

For Q2 & Q4 are under psychological segmentation. Q2 could help us to have a clear picture of the users social pattern. If they are mostly visit with friends, we could base on this factor to design the marketing & promotion campaign for the new branch, such as to attract more visitors to provide a “2 persons get 1 combo entry discount” etc. And Q4 is aimed to know if the users shared the same value with us, this question can help us reviewing if our brand essence is clear enough to let the public recognize us. Therefore, when we design for the branding strategy, this could be one of the useful data to reframe the brand.

Q5 & Q6 are both demographical questions, this could provide more supportive data for us to know if the current users are still the same group of our targeted audience “markers”. If the result shows that it fits our expectation, then the brand’s promotion could be measured as successful, in advance, base on this result as fundamental branding strategy, to modify for future promotion. If the result is not what we expect, or it shows that a new potential group popped-up. Wooder Space shall consider retarget the market segmentation, through analyzing the on hand resources by redefining the customer’s jobs and reviewing the original value proposition etc.

Critical Reflection for this project

In lesson 4 of research & communication, I was impressed by learning from the Innisfree Survey Case Study, by just asking few simple questions, could already help the brand to have a clear picture to develop a effective branding strategy. Which make me understand that, once the survey is well designed by the senders, this could be seen as an effective communication method by only asking the right questions (even only few questions) to the respondents, also it is more direct than just interpreting usage data.

Some says that survey is very convenient to apply since it does not require much technical skills or knowledge. I could only agree with the front part. Indeed, survey is easy to execute, comparing to other methods like schedule, interview or observation. Survey is definitely an easier method to plan, construct and administer for the start-up business or the small and medium size company. Not to mentioned, it is also an economical way for both senders and respondents in time, effort and cost to accumulate information.

But, an “effective survey” is hard to design. It requires to have a good sense, experiences and knowledge to analyze your market environment. You need to understand your target audience before you start customizing a survey. Because a well-designed survey could help the company gains the profitable insights into customer’s thoughts about each aspect of the company business, also to review and redefine their target audience’s pattern, or even redesign their branding strategy.

Nevertheless, survey shall be considered as the pawns from the chess, they are only your very first steps to settle your prelim moves through collecting the valuable data from the whole game (research process). There are still having rook, knight, or bishop behind for you to compose a great game. If you starting with the good moves on your pawns by designing a strategic path, you might already get a bigger chance to win the game from the beginning. Otherwise, no matter how powerful your queen is, still could hardly save your king(dom).


Develop Clear Research Objectives for Your Survey Research Project

4 Main Benefits of Survey Research



Kathleen C.
Kathleen C.

Written by Kathleen C.

Experienced designer who specializes in luxurious design projects. She is now studying for a Master's Degree in Design thinking to refresh her mindset.

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